Massage involves pressing, rubbing or manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. It’s part of integrative medicine, meaning that it can be used along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations. It’s also widely available and considered a valuable tool in promoting mental and physical health. 

One of the most obvious effects is relaxation. It decreases the production of cortisol, the hormone that’s responsible for stress-related disorders. It also increases the production of ‘feel good’ hormones, such as serotonin. This makes it easier to cope with and recover from a wide variety of symptoms, including headaches, stomachaches, sleeplessness and lowered immune function. 

The ‘goodness’ doesn’t stop there. It has been found that massage Putrajaya stimulates the production of new white blood cells, helping your body to fight infections and toxins. It may also improve the function of organs by improving blood flow to them. This is especially important in patients suffering from diseases that reduce white blood cell counts, such as HIV and some forms of cancer. 

Another reason that massage is beneficial is because it increases the movement of lymph fluid, which carries metabolic waste products away from tissues and muscles. It improves the elasticity of muscle fibers and may also reduce edema, or fluid buildup in body tissue. It may even help with fibromyalgia, an illness that causes chronic pain in the muscles and bones. 

Massage also helps prevent and treat sports injuries. It can improve an athlete’s performance by increasing their flexibility, speed and endurance, as well as reducing muscle tension and stiffness. It can also improve the condition of tendonitis, a painful inflammation of tendons. The stretching, squeezing and kneading of muscles during massage reduces the friction that can cause this condition. 

If you’re a person who suffers from chronic pain or injury, regular massage Malaysia therapy can help your muscles remain flexible and mobile, which in turn will help prevent future damage. It can also reduce the severity of a flare-up by preventing the build up of muscle lactic acid, which is a common cause of painful muscle spasms. 

In addition to its physical benefits, massage has been shown to promote mental wellness. It can help to increase concentration and reduce feelings of sadness or anxiety. It also reduces fatigue and boosts energy levels. This is probably due to the fact that it relaxes your nervous system, which in turn leads to increased productivity and positive emotions. Regular massage can also help you to stay healthy by lowering your blood pressure, heart rate and level of stress hormones, as well as encouraging the growth of new brain cells. It can also help to prevent and heal certain types of injuries, such as those caused by repetitive motions or accidents.